Learner support is a crucial element to the teaching and learning process.

    This course covers the skills and knowledge required to identify elements of learning support to be considered for the intended cohort as part of course planning and design.

      Participating in activities during the learning process allows you learners the opportunity to practice and refine the skills and knowledge required to meet the desired outcomes. This course will assist you to identify and develop activities to meet the needs of your learners.

        Teaching and learning resources are educational materials designed to support teaching and learning in a range of contexts. This course has two components:

        • It will help you to identify the types of resources that will meet the needs of your learners.
        • It provides you with access to range of instructional videos about creating resources.

          Assessment, whether informal or formal is an integral part of the learning process. This course will assist you to design competency-based assessments for online and workplace learning environments.

            Educational or training outcomes, the first key element we focus on when planning and designing training as all other activities are aligned to meet or achieve the desired outcomes. This course will assist you to work with outcomes, analyse them and define clear performance criteria as the foundation of competency-based training.


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