In Part 3 you will develop the capabilities to set the long-term strategic direction for your TVET institution and will prepare a strategic plan which has transformation of learning and teaching at its centre. Underpinning the strategic activities will be the development of a common understanding of what ODL in TVET means, and its implications for the institution.

      In Part 2 learners will take stock of their current leadership capabilities, identify the leadership capabilities which they most need to develop and put in place a personal development plan for enhancing as needed the core capabilities to lead others for successful organisational change

        This course introduces the Leadership for ODL in TVET programme and maps out the journey that your institutional team will take as you plan for integration of ODL in your own TVET institution. 

        You will start with Part 1 in which you will consider your personal leadership skills and your strengths and weaknesses as a leader in relation to leading change for ODL in TVET. 


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